Thursday 25th April 2024

Forthcoming Concerts


Saturday 23rd March, 7pm - Reflective Choral Music - St Mary’s, Newmarket

To include music by Stanford, Lotti and Vaughan Williams.
Tickets £5 on the door or from or from Janet Ramsay-Helie on 01638 603489 or

Saturday 30th March, 2pm - Reflective Choral Music - St Peter’s, Hepworth, near Stanton

To include music by Stanford, Lotti and Vaughan Williams.
Retiring collection. All welcome.

Saturday 18th May – Choral Evensong at Norwich Cathedral

Thursday 4th July, 7.30pm – The Guildhall, Bury St Edmunds

Saturday 6th July, 7pm – Hartest

Thursday 19th December, 7pm – St Peter’s, Bury St Edmunds

Saturday 21st December, 7.30pm – West Stow